Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Restauranteur

"They're usually pretty good" Tom said as he eyed the lump of organic matter on his dinner platter.
"Oh yeah? "
Smith reached over and poked the oddly colored mess. It responded to his poke by continually jiggling.
"What's this place famous for? I hope its not the eggs."
" I'm telling you,they're usually much better, maybe I'll check the kitchen, see what's up."
Tom got up from the creaky table and looked at the door to the kitchen. "Employees Only."
"So you're going to just walk in?"
"No, don't worry I know someone who works back there.. I'm just going to take a quick peek."
"Who do you know?"
"Uh... a kid named Ted.. or Taj or somethin.... I'm goin in".
Tom cautiously approached the door, but just as he was going to open it, a loud rumble shot out of the kitchen. Tom got a scared face and froze in his tracks.
"Someone's gonna see you, get back here!" bellowed Smith, trying to coax his moronic friend back to the booth.
" I gotta see what's inside" He walked closer to the door. Right as he was about to touch the handle, a sly looking waiter grabbed him by the shoulders.
"....And where are we going? Don't you know the kitchen is off limits?" He had a creepy smile with an extra creepy mustache.
"Let me show you back to your table, does anyone want dessert today?"
Tom sat back down at the booth begrudgingly.
"No dessert, just the check please."
"Let's get the Christ out of here" said Smith.
"Yeah... i guess we could go.. but I need to find out what's in that kitchen.. I'm coming back tomorrow. "
"Yeah, well good luck with that, I'm not coming back to this shithole again."
"Give me one more shot to get in the back, I saw something weird."
"We'll see."
They paid their check, left a poor tip, and fled the empty diner.
To be continued?

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